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IOG Academy@iogacademy

Haskell Course

Last update on 02/01/2024


Haskell Course


16 modules and 16 lessons included

Access on mobile and TV

Certificate of completion


Haskell Course by IOG Academy.

Intro to the Haskell Course

1 lessons

Lesson 1 - Intro to Haskell and tools

1 lessons

Lesson 2 - Data types, Signatures, and Polymorphism

1 lessons

Lesson 3 - Conditional & Helper Constructions

1 lessons

Lesson 4 - Pattern Matching and Case expressions

1 lessons

Lesson 5 - Improving and combining functions

1 lessons

Lesson 6 - Recursion and Folds

1 lessons

Lesson 7 - Intro to Type Classes

1 lessons

Lesson 8 - Creating Non-Parameterized Types

1 lessons

Lesson 9 - Creating Parameterized and Recursive Types

1 lessons

Lesson 10 - Creating Type Classes and Instances

1 lessons

Lesson 11 - Basic IO

1 lessons

Lesson 12 - Installing Haskell Locally

1 lessons

Lesson 13 - Modules

1 lessons

Lesson 14 - Cabal and Language Extensions

1 lessons

Lesson 15 - Handling Errors

1 lessons

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