Cardano Ecosystem





Intersect issues call to Cardano’s Stake Pool Operators to upgrade nodes and activate the initial ‘Chang Upgrade’, a pivotal step in the ecosystem’s decentralization

Intersect, a member-based organization for the Cardano ecosystem, is calling on all Stake Pool Operators (SPOS) to upgrade to Node 9.1.0 as a push toward the Chang Upgrade, the ecosystem's next hard fork.

Intersect issues call to Cardano’s Stake Pool Operators to upgrade nodes and activate the initial ‘Chang Upgrade’, a pivotal step in the ecosystem’s decentralization
  • Intersect, a member-based organization for the Cardano ecosystem, is calling on all Stake Pool Operators (SPOS) to upgrade to Node 9.1.0 as a push toward the Chang Upgrade, the ecosystem's next hard fork.
  • A 70%+ majority upgrade is required for the Chang Upgrade. So, Intersect is trailblazing the Voltaire Era of Cardano with its #ReadyforChang initiative. 
  • Reaching the Chang Upgrade will be a transformative moment for the Cardano ecosystem, bringing on-chain decision making to Cardano and putting the chain firmly in the hands of its participants.
  • As of August 2nd, 2024 over 30% of stake are producing blocks on version 9.1.0! 

Intersect, a member-based organization for the Cardano ecosystem, is today issuing a clarion call to Stake Pool Operators (SPOs) to upgrade to Node 9.1.0. SPOs, members of the Cardano ecosystem who are responsible for setting up and keeping pools running alongside maintaining nodes validating Cardano blockchain transactions, play a pivotal role in Cardano’s readiness to upgrade to Chang and bring on-chain decision making to Cardano.

Upgrading Cardano requires all key participants such as DApps, wallets and exchanges to prepare and work hand-in-hand with each other. Depending on the progress, the upgrade is expected to be completed in late August and represents a significant step towards minimum viable on-chain governance. This has been defined in CIP-1694 as the underpinning proposal for the Cardano blockchain, which aims to enhance the governance structure of the ecosystem by making it both transparent and community-driven.

This marks the first of two major upgrades coming this year which will ensure the successful completion of Chang and revolutionize Cardano’s future. The first stage will prompt the beginning of minimum viable on-chain governance, with a concentration on setting the stage for Delegate Representatives (DReps) to start registering and in-turn manifest decentralized voting and transparent community engagement. 

Once this current stage is successful, the second Chang update will follow approximately 90 days later with the full specification, as detailed in CIP-1694, going into effect and unlocking the final features of on-chain governance. 

For this initial upgrade to take place, 70%+ of SPOs must upgrade to the updated node, highlighting the role the community plays in the governance of the Cardano ecosystem. Once the Chang Upgrade process is complete, the organization can move into Voltaire, the final era laid out in Cardano’s roadmap. As SPOs upgrade their nodes to support the new protocol, they are helping to create a self-sustaining blockchain and make a trailblazing move forward for the blockchain community as a whole.

Jack Briggs, Marketing and Communications Director at Intersect, remarked “Ultimately, Cardano can’t upgrade without the whole ecosystem being ready. As part of the rollout, Intersect, through its members, influences and shapes the future development path to Cardano by proposing a product roadmap and corresponding budget. Cardano’s 2025 (and beyond) roadmap may include features to be researched and developed such as quantum resistance properties to consensus upgrades such as Ouroboros Leios, a mechanism used to ultimately increase throughput - all with community consent.”  

Alongside Intersect urging SPOs to upgrade now to prompt the beginning of on-chain governance, Intersect also draws attention to DApps and DReps and their need to prepare for the upcoming changes. The work already done as part of the DRep Pioneer Program means that members across the globe are already preparing the Cardano community to effectively participate in this new era of governance. This preparation is vital before the secondary upgrade and its unlocking of delegated representative participation.

The Chang Upgrade will prove essential in ensuring the longevity of Cardano, as it enhances the security and functionality of the blockchain whilst also laying the foundation for future growth and innovation. It also exemplifies Cardano’s commitment to decentralization as this move demonstrates how collaboration is embedded in the framework of Cardano’s operations, an essential attribute in a decentralized model.

Briggs continued “The Chang Upgrade will enhance Cardano’s decentralization and mark a new frontier for the blockchain and all its participants. The upgrades introduce minimum-viable on-chain decision-making to all ada holders and represent one-third of what defines the Voltaire era. Cardano’s constitution and institutions complete the Voltaire picture and all work towards driving better outcomes on-chain - essentially underpinning the hard-end point of any governance system, voting.”

If you’re interested in learning about Intersect’s commitment to Cardano decentralization and how to get involved, take a look here: https://docs.intersectmbo.org/cardano/cardano-hardforks-and-upgrades/chang-upgrade/chang-upgrade-1-readiness 


Delegate Your Voting Power to FEED DRep in Cardano Governance.

DRep ID: drep12ukt4ctzmtf6l5rj76cddgf3dvuy0lfz7uky08jfvgr9ugaapz4 | We are driven to register as a DRep by our deep dedication to the Cardano ecosystem and our aspiration to take an active role in its development, ensuring that its progress stays true to the principles of decentralization, security, and community empowerment.DELEGATE VOTING POWER!

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