Buy or Sell ADA On WhatsApp & Telegram by AI ChatBot is being developed at Cardano - Milestone 1
Buy or Sell ADA On WhatsApp & Telegram by AI ChatBot is being developed at Cardano - Milestone 1
Milestone 1:
Latest submission of the Milestone 1.
(A) URL link and Document/PDF with the user journey showing the steps of the user path in the Bot, API, KYC, interaction with Cardano's blockchain and their bank account, error handling, customer support interactions and unusual transaction patterns.
(B) Document/PDF describing the system architecture, this could include diagrams, technology stack descriptions, and rationales for technology choices. This document will be easily understandable to both technical and non-technical community members.
(C) Document/PDF with the description of the business rules, including rules support the overall project objectives
(D) URL Link article/news on Cardano Feed, URL Link post on Twitter channel with 79,000+ folowers and URL Link to the Cardano Daily Digest Newsletter to 2,500 registered users.
Project funded by Fund11 Catalyst
Primary Proposer: Otávio (Cardano Feed)
Delivery Month: Apr 2024
Project Completion: 30%
Cardano Catalyst Project - Discover and Vote for our proposals in Fund 13 by December 12, 2024 11:00 UTC
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