Cardano Ecosystem





Beware of Scams

The number of scams and the ingenuity of fraudsters in the crypto industry is endless.

Beware of Scams

The number of scams and the ingenuity of fraudsters in the crypto industry is endless. In 2021, tens of thousands of people reported financial losses related to crypto scams totaling over 1 billion USD. 

In 2022, based on various sources, it was around 3 to 12 billion USD. Analysts estimate that in 2023 scammers will steal up to 16 billion USD. It is important to mention that the numbers may not be accurate as many people do not report the fraud to the authorities. Don't get scammed. 

Read what the goal of fraud is, what tricks scammers use, and how to recognize a scam. People don't understand blockchain Newbies entering the world of cryptocurrencies unfortunately have little knowledge of how to safely store their assets. The desire to invest in a new industry combined with low knowle Read article: Beware of Scams


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